sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

That empty sensation that you feel on the stomach and somewhere inside you, that nervous anxiety, can be solve, quite easy ..... Let go Facebook and twitter for a while and go onto the real world, do some job, move your body, talk to someone alive face to face, read a nice novel, watch a movie with someone, go on the economic, politics or how to raise kids, but in real time with someone else, with their body there in front of you, stop blaming whatsapp, and go into this beautiful real world, go and see your neighborhood go to the museum,a stroll on the park, a ride in an historic place, whatever but LIVE, BE ALIVE, MOVE THE BODY, MOVE YOU'RE MOUTH, KISS SOMEONE, SMILE THE CLOSER PERSON YOU HAVE NOW, CHEER UP WITH THE WONDERS THAT YOU STILL CAN SEE, TOMORROW MAY BE LATE, HAVE A SON, PLAY MUSIC, SING, DANCE, LAUGH, DO THEM NOW, TOMORROW MAY BE LATE, THOSE ARE FREE, THOSE ARE THE ONLY IMPORTANT THINGS IN S LIFE, USE THEM, GET PLENTY OF THOSE AND ENVOY THEM IN FULL, BE HAPPY, ALLOW SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU, LOVE SOMEONE OPENLY AND STRAIGHT, PLAY TO SHARE, COME TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN AND BE THE OWNER OF YOUR OWN WORLD, RULER OF THE MOUNTAIN, YOUR UNIVERSE ...... IS YOURS, USE IT ....... NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU ..... IS WAITING FOR YOU, JUMP ON IT ........ NOW!!!!!

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